Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art—write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, 
you surprise yourself.” 

- Neil Gaiman -

From my family to yours, wishing you a new year full of blessings, love, adventure, peace and joy. 

Welcome, 2014!

The Sun's Coming Up...Like a Big, Bald Head {Book Review}

So if you haven't picked up a copy of this book by now, there's something wrong with you.


Not really.

For real though, this little gem is the latest on the art book scene.  I've practically managed to dog ear it in the two weeks since its arrival at my front door...I just can't stop looking through it.  The artist behind the beauty is none other than actor Norman Reedus, who you know best from the TV series The Walking Dead and the cult classic Boondock Saints and I know from my deepest fantasies :) Kidding again...

Not really. [Swoon!]

Jokes aside, if I thought I liked this guy as an actor (go watch Floating and Six Ways to Sunday...you can thank me later), I absolutely am obsessed with him as a photographer.  The book is beautiful, haunting, nostalgic, and creepy all at once.  It will blow you away before you even have a chance to realize what has happened.  Every page weaves a message; every photo leaves you wondering the story behind it...what the subjects, and Reedus, are thinking, feeling, and seeing as the camera does its thing.  One minute you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, as your eyes dart over raw photos of road kill, prostitutes, and inmates at a maximum security prison.  The next minute, you can't help but smile as a turn of the page offers simple and serene photos of his son's childhood.

One of the things I love most about the book is the freedom of it.  There's no rhyme or reason on the surface, yet deeper, everything intertwines, makes sense, and weaves a wickedly intimate tale.  The shots hail from all across the globe - right up the alley of a wanderlust-er like myself.  Some of the images are grainy, some perfectly focused.  All brilliant.  Through the use of a variety of mediums, Reedus manages to present a story so private, you'll feel at times as though you shouldn't even be looking.  You're left to draw your own conclusions on many things, and I think that's probably one of the biggest wins of this work.  If you have ever stumbled through an art book before, unsure of what you're looking at or should be seeing, know that the journey of this one will be at the opposite end of that spectrum.  I've never had a lovelier time out of my comfort zone!

If you have even the smallest amount of appreciation for anything artsy, you'll be sure to love this amazing collection of imagery.  Go buy it.  Keep one for yourself, give a few as gifts.

Run, don't walk!  Trust me, you won't be sorry.

PS: If you're in NYC, you might get lucky and find it in stores.  Stop in your local book shop and have a look!

PPS:  If you haven't seen Reedus as Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead, not only are you missing out, but you've been living under a rock.  Go watch it on AMC - it's wicked good!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

These are a few of our favorite {baby} things...

As a new(ish) mom, I'm constantly on the look out for awesome baby products.  Truth be told, I've come across more lemons than gems and sometimes cringe when I think of the money I've wasted on stuff that just didn't cut it around our house, or things that I used once or twice before they started collecting dust in the back of L's closet.  I mean, who knew that newborn L would equate a swaddle blanket to being in a straight jacket.  Or that the term "no spill sippy cup" actually means valve-so-powerful-even-an-adult-cant-drink-out-of-it. (Yes, I've tried.)

Guess our parents and grandparents were really onto something when they did the whole raising kids things sans the inventory of a Babies R Us!

While at twelve months into the game, I'm a bit late joining in, I've been seeing great posts on better blogs than thee about favorite things at each stage so thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.  Cause let's face it - sometimes, the whole star review system on all those baby sites just doesn't cut it.  Without further adieu, our current "must haves"...

1. The Lollacup
After trying out a gajillion different types of cups with L, we finally found this diamond in the rough. Our biggest "wants" in a cup were something easy for her to drink out of and something she could hold independently.  This fits the bill on both counts.  While its not the cheapest of options, it fits an ample amount of liquid, is easy to clean and assemble (comes w/a straw cleaning brush; replacement straws are available too), is valve free so she doesn't have to tip it back to drink, and features a lid that closes over the straw to keep those germs out on the go.  It's not of the "no spill" variety, so be aware if that feature is important, but you have to turn it completely upside down and give it a few good shakes for any liquid to come back through the straw.  The only other mentionable is that it doesn't seem to be made out of the sturdiest of materials, but its taken a few good tumbles at our house and held up just fine, so its probably just a me thing.

2.  FIsher Price Space Saver High Chair
Even if you're not looking to save space, you'll love this chair.  I was super against a traditional high chair - didn't want it taking up room in my kitchen, and wanted something we could use more long term.  This was the perfect solution.  Though she's been using it since she was a few months old thanks to the recline feature, its our everyday meal chair now and we'll continue to use it into the booster phase, when we can pop off the tray and scoot her right up to the table.  The cover comes out easily for washing, the tray goes right in the dishwasher, and all is well in meal land over here.  (And as we found out over the holidays, its SO easy to take along to Nana's house - lightweight and fits on any chair!)

Note/Con:  If you're ordering online, the Scatterbug print is a super weird/gross color in person. I found this out the hard way and we've been happily Mocha Butterfly-ing it up ever since.

3.  Gap Jammies
Why don't these come in my size?  We're in that weird in between size right now (12 month too short, 18 month too long), but these pajamas always work and right now, they're the only brand in our pj drawer.  In a Midwest winter, L exclusively wears footie jammies to bed and these are always perfect.  Snug fitting but warm, good quality material, they wash beautifully, and come in cute prints.  (And even more awesome when there's a coupon code available! Like now.)

4.  Pedipeds
Love, LOVE these baby shoes.  They're the perfect option for my little non-walker...flexible and comfy, good quality material, stay on super well, and come in really cute styles.  After buying so.so.many el cheapo pairs and hating them, I ordered up three pairs of these brand one day and called it a day.  Haven't needed another type since!

And of course we can't have a post like this without throwing toys in there!  Here's two favorites around our casa these days...

5.  Parum Pum Pum Drum
Santa brings the coolest stuff! This drum is from the new B Toys brand at Target, and its awesome.  It comes with several easy to hold instruments (cymbals, tamborine, etc) and a set of drum [chew] sticks.  It even has a little strap on the drum for when she's older and marching band-ing it around the house!  The top pops off so all the instruments can be stored inside (its see through too!), which is perfect, especially for L, who has discovered an alternative use - storage for every other toy in the house.  So basically, its several toys plus storage all in one :)  And P.S. - the drum top is just a thick plastic material, so not loud enough to annoy the heck out of everyone else in the house.  Bonus!

6. V-Tech Sit to Stand Learning Walker
This thing has been a favorite in our house for many months.  The front panel pops up for floor play (perfect for tummy time), is perfect for an independent sitter when its attached (has brakes too for when being used stationary!), and of course provides some lovely encouragement for the almost-walkers like L.  Three volume level options means the parentals won't go nuts hearing barnyard tunes on the regular, and its simply just one of those toys that gets used every day in our house.  Be prepared for the detachable phone to go missing several times a day, but other than that - its a winner in our book!  (And I'm big on stuff she can use for more than a few weeks before losing interest/outgrowing it.)

What are your must have baby products?  Do share!

Friday, December 27, 2013

52 Week Money Challenge

Want a super easy way to save $1,378 dollars this year? Try taking the 52-Week Money Challenge, which is EVERYWHERE on the Internet right now.  It's actually surprisingly simple. You start by moving over a single dollar into savings in the first week and build up to $52 in the last week.  Nervous about pushing over the biggest amounts near the 2014 holiday season?  Try doing the challenge in reverse!  Whether you're a seasoned saver or need a jump start for the new year, this little tool is perfect.  Personally, I'm planning to use it to set aside money in two accounts this year - our vacation savings and L's savings.  Week 1 is already complete over here.  What are YOU waiting for?

Happy penny pinching! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wise men still seek Him...

From our family to yours, we wish you peace, joy, love, and abundant blessings this Christmas season and every day of the coming year.

Friday, November 22, 2013

What we've been up to...

"A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in."
- Robert Orben -

A little of this...

A LOT of this...

Quite a bit of this...

And looking at this a time or two...


I'll shout it from the [palm] tree tops - we love Punta Cana!  A week in La Republica Dominicana never disappoints.  We swam, we ate, we beached, we swam and ate some more.  It was the perfect family week and little miss L did awesome to boot.  Though we traded in the whole drinking/dancing all night thing of vacations past for a book and a tea out on the balcony, we soaked up every moment of relaxation and returned (in inappropriate footwear, no less) to the snowy Midwest refreshed and rejuvenated.  And with a newfound respect for potable water coming out of the faucets when teeth brushing.  And when rinsing fallen sippies 50 times a day.  And...well, you get it. 

For those looking to travel south into paradise, especially with kids in tow, we highly recommend The Reserve at Paradisus Palma Real.  We were so impressed with everything from the rooms, to the staff, to the food, and much more.  There was tons to keep us busy right at the resort, L was doted on left and right, and everything was clean, clean, clean with a capital bleach.  We had pools galore to enjoy, restaurants to forever, and white sand as far as the eye could see.  Bliss!  Bliss, I tell ya!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Failure to Blog

Well aren't I just the most delinquent little blogger in all the land.  I finally commit and then disappear.  No excuses, just life.  If anyone's still with me, or joining in, please accept my humble, harried housewife apologies!  We've been up to a million things!

Over the past few months, we have....
  • listed our house for sale (any takers?  Bueller?)...upward and onward!
  • found a gazillion new houses I love and want.  Like now.
  • cleaned out our said house and have been keeping it in show-ready style on the regular.
  • had a "girls weekend" kind of summer with little Miss L....the two of us did the Midwest (Chicago is my kinda town!), the kinda south (I dig Nashville), and the west coast (Viva Las Vegas!)....lovin' the Mr. for letting us skip town for so many random events and letting me enjoy the newfound freedoms of stay-at-home-mama, I-don't-need-to-worry-about-vacation-days hood!
  • painted. and painted. and painted.  And then painted some more.
  • vacation planned!  (Off to the DR we go, come November!)
  • had a million park picnics, neighborhood walks, nature trail hikes, Starbucks breakfast dates, and library story times with Miss L
  • thoroughly enjoyed summer!  Now onto fall...
Well, the pumpkins and hay bales are out on the front porch, the pumpkin spice coffee is brewing each morning, our sweaters and boots are out, and I've been Pinterest-ing the heck out of holiday ideas.  I love fall!

What are your favorite fall traditions?  Any special plans for the upcoming holidays?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sitting Pretty

So it looks like the days of the Mamaroo may be numbered in this house...

 Tip the seat back all you want, Mom....I'll still sit up.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Not a creature was stirring...

I moved Miss L out of our room and into the nursery for the first time tonight. 

I know, I know, I know...at seven months old, it's an overdue change in our house and I have no one to blame but myself.  Since she was born, L's been a perfect angel at night - has slept through the night consistently since 9 weeks old, isn't easily woken by my husband's incessant snoring, doesn't cry when she wakes up, etc.  It's just ME that hasn't been ready for the switch. 

From the second we brought her home, she's been within arms length at night and frankly, I liked it that way.  I could reach over as many times as I wanted to feel her breathe, I could hear every single little peep, I could adjust her blanket or push her pacifier into her reach.  I liked having my "most importants" within inches of me each night - all of us huddled in the same room. 

She's been napping in the nursery for several months now, as I wanted her to be comfortable in her bed and grow used to sleeping outside of our room.  She took everything like a champ from the beginning and frankly, has no trouble falling asleep most anywhere.  (How lucky are we?!)  So long story short, this little move has been a long time coming. 

So is this what letting go (on a small scale, that is) feels like? (If so, I better start figuring out how I'll make it through the next 18 years!)  If there's anything I've come to find thus far in my life as a mother, it is that parenting is such a growing up, for me, every day.  Even the smallest things can take me out of my comfort zone, but I'm happy that these minor triumphs are molding me into a stronger person for her.  I know I'm totally overthinking this whole sleep arrangement thing.  I know that today it's the nursery, while tomorrow it's her college dorm.  Baby steps, I guess.  (Mine, not hers.)

Off to sleep (with the baby monitor inches from my face on full volume)...

I know.  I'm SO normal.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Inexpert Baby Travel Tips

Miss L recently completed her very first flight.  And Mama here was brave enough to go it alone!  We recently had the opportunity to meet up with my family down south on their return trip from vacation, and since it fell over the work week, the Mr. was unable to make the trek with us.

(*Disclaimer:  Since this trip, we've actually flown twice more with L.)

Naturally, now that I've logged approximately 15 solo flight hours with an infant, I consider myself somewhat of an expert baby traveler.


But in all seriousness, I did figure out some helpful tips that allowed me to navigate the journey a bit more smoothly, so thought I'd share them here for what it's worth.

1. Backpacks rule as carry-ons!
One look at my fancy schmancy Kate Spade shoulder diaper bag and I knew I needed to choose practicality over looks during travel.  Digging through our luggage closet did nothing to satisfy me, so off to Amazon I went a huntin'.  Luckily, I found this little number that did both and worked so awesome for the plane trip!  It was the only bag I brought - doubled as a diaper bag and my purse!  I wore it on my back through the airport, it fit perfectly under the seat, and then used it as a shoulder bag for the remainder of the trip.  It housed a great deal without getting bulky (see my carry-on list below) and had some really nice accessible pouches for my phone/wallet/boarding passes that magnetized closed.  It also comes with a change pad and wipes case!  The one and only thing I'll warn about, which didn't matter to me much since I nurse, is that the bottle holders in it were practically useless.  It has four (two out, two in) but only the external ones seemed big enough to hold a bottle.

2. Use a carrier instead of the stroller!
If you have an infant and you're traveling alone, seriously consider this option.  While you can easily check a fold-up stroller right at the gate, I chose to check it with the rest of my luggage so I could get rid of it right at the beginning.  I felt much more comfortable wearing her so she was close at all times, it allowed me to be hands-free when necessary, and it made going through security a breeze!  (I slipped off my shoes and was able to walk right through while still wearing her...they just swabbed my hands afterwards.)  I'll be perfectly honest - I even was able to go to the bathroom easily while wearing her!  (Didn't really have another choice, as I was solo!)

**Note:  If you're choosing to travel with stroller, do yourself a huge favor and invest in an umbrella stroller.  While I love my big, ole travel system one at home, I'm SO happy we spent an extra $50 and got a small, lightweight one.  (What I liked about this one in specific was that it features a small basket, adjustable shade, five point harness, cup holders and tray, and also reclines!) L was just as comfortable in it and we weren't worried about our nice one getting all banged up.

3. Disposable feeding items are so convenient!
At seven months, L is pretty new to solids but still offered something 1-2 times per day.  I went ahead and spent about $10 to set myself up with disposable bibs, spoons, and take-and-toss bowls.  I usually like to be a bit more environmentally friendly, but it was SO nice to just be able to throw everything away wherever she ate (plane, restaurant, hotel room) and not worry about packing up dirty stuff/washing dishes in a hotel bathroom sink.  They packed up so well too and hardly took any space! While I make her baby food at home, I also picked up a variety of those organic pouches for the trip.  They work so well for packing flat, squeeze right onto a spoon (or into a bowl), can be placed directly into a cup of hot water if you like to warm the food before serving, and you can close them back up as well, if needed.

4. Don't over-entertain!
I had the bag packed with a few new toys, in addition to some favorites, anticipating that I'd need mucho entertainment to keep her quiet.  Not so!  I originally was planning to take a bunch of things out right away and keep her distracted, but turned out she was so engrossed in looking around and looking out the window, we only took out one single toy on a two-leg trip!  Basically, if she was sitting there and being quiet, I didn't shove something in her face.  I just let her relax.  It worked out beautifully!

5. Never underestimate the power of a pack of wipes!
I threw a fresh, large pack of wipes in our carry-on bag and used them for so many things.  If you overpack anything at all, let it be wipes, and keep them within arms reach!  In addition to diaper changes, I used them to clean our hands, her face after feedings, the tray table in front of us (which was disgusting and had spilled soda all over it), the arm rests, etc.  It was also super hot on the plane while waiting for take off and everyone was getting sweaty, so I used them to wipe off her forehead and keep her cool too!


So maybe we've developed a false sense of security, but our flights with L have gone so smoothly, we're looking to up the ante and fly to Europe with her this fall.  Foolish or no?

Do tell...what have you found works best for you when traveling with an infant or children?  Would love to hear everyone else's tips!

Happy trails!

Monday, July 22, 2013

And so it begins...

"She believed in dreams, in endings that people told you could never happen, in disappointments reversed and luck that lasted." 
~ Alice Hoffman, Indigo

I've been fighting the urge to blog for some time now.  While writing has always been therapeutic, I was never much for taking on the commitment to entertain a readership on a daily basis, as I'm pretty confident that I'm just not.that.entertaining.

Enter life events one through three (marriage/house/baby) and here I find myself, embarking on a writing journey, now armed with the vision of recording these times and memories so that we may look back on them for years to come.

You'll find my writing will tend to center on the things most important to me - motherhood and marriage, with some sides of domestic life thrown in for good measure :)

Off we go...