Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Motivation, where art thou?

So yeah...it's January 7, my tree is still up (the ornaments are off though, I repeat - the ornaments are off! Progress!) and I'm spending the second day of morning nap in a row on Facebook, listening to records, and now blogging.  If you find my motivation, please send it this way.  I'm begging you.  Second week in January is plain out too early to quit. Even for me.

While I know the winter doldrums are to blame and the "polar vortex" weather this week doesn't help, I seriously need to get my behind in gear.  I have big plans for this year, and time's a ticking.

With any amount of luck, we'll be selling the house this year and moving into a new one.  Which means I'm aiming to get organized, and get organized quick.  Once our house showings died down around the holidays, I started to slip up on the whole "show ready at all times" thing and I need to get back in gear.  Hoarder I am not, but I could use a few fresh approaches to certain areas of the house, so I'm hereby declaring 2014 the year of cleaning it all out.  No more [non-functional] junk drawer, no more growing mail piles, no more shove-it-in-the-guest-room-closet items.

I've been trying to Pinterest some organization ideas and tips, but not many don't involve a visit to the local Container Store and let's face it.  That's just another task on the list.  And I want to start now.  Like, right now.

Here are some of the favorites I've found so far, even ones that require me purchasing a thing or two to get going:

Meanwhile, for those curious about my uber fascinating life (which is likely exactly zip of you), here's what's on the docket for this week alone.  Note how incredibly productive I've been thus far...
  1. Watch The Bachelor, two episodes of Breaking Bad to catch up with R, and browse/order matching Toms for L and me
  2. Gather all important documents and load new fire safe
  3. Remove all remaining bits of Christmas cheer around the house (tree, "Season's Greetings" bathroom rug and fake Alpine Village snow, I'm looking at you...)
  4. Finish paying this month's bills
  5. Get up off behind, go to Target, purchase Turbo Tax, use it
  6. Make, photograph, and load new hairbows into Etsy store
  7. Clean bathrooms (ugh)
  8. Costco run (we're running on toilet paper and raw almond fumes over here, peeps)
  9. Go through L's closet and bin up everything that doesn't fit (eh shoot...add bins to Target list)
  10.  Call Sears and set up appointment for washing machine check, as it practically danced its way out the laundry room during a cycle yesterday


First things first?  (Come on, tell me these aren't completely presh for little feet...)

Hey, its only Tuesday.

So please, help an unmotivated out.  What's on your to do list for getting it together this year?  What are your favorite organizational tips for the home?

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